Support Us

How you can help

Your support drives our mission to democratize access to the law

descrybe is free for everyone to use, but it isn’t free to build or maintain. As a 100% bootstrapped, founder-owned company, we shoulder all of the costs ourselves. We’re okay with this because we believe deeply in what we’re building. That said, we wouldn’t mind a little help!

If you value what we’re doing and want to help us cover our costs, your financial support* would mean the world. If contributing financially isn’t possible right now, there are other meaningful ways to support us. Spread the word about descrybe, sign up for our email updates, or follow us on social media to stay connected and help others discover our platform.

Ultimately, if you find descrybe useful or believe in our mission, any form of support is greatly appreciated. Together, we can continue building a platform that serves the true owners of the law—all of us.

With gratitude,
Kara & Rich

* Please note that donations aren’t considered charitable for tax purposes.

Contributions are securely processed by and descrybe does not get access to your personal or payment information from Stripe. Supporting us is fast and easy and any amount is appreciated.

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Lady Liberty
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Rosie we can do it